Live United Kingdom : John Anthony Signs Ltd - John Campbell PlastererJohn Anthony Signs Ltd John Anthony Youths Wear John Antony John Antony Haircutters John Antony Shoe Fitters John Antram Interiors John Apperley Garden Maintenance John Appleton Engineering John Appleyard John Aprahamian John Arbon Textiles John Archer John Archers Dry Cleaners John Archibald John Ardern & Co John Ardern Research John Armistead Restorations John Armit Wines Ltd John Armitage Maths Tuition John Armitage Maths Tuition John Armitage Memorial John Armstrong John Armstrong John Armstrong John Armstrong Painters & Decorators John Armstrong Research John Arnison John Arnold John Arnold John Arnold Commercials Ltd John Arnold Galleries John Arnold Insulation John Arnold Publishing Ltd John Arnott Associates John Arthur & Son Ltd John Arthur Gallery John Arthur Joinery John Artis Ltd John Artis Ltd John Arty John Arundale John Arundell Decorator John Ascott John Ash Photography Ltd John Ashby John Ashley John Ashley Disco John Ashley Photographers JOHN ASHLEY SERVICE - AUTHORISED VOLKSWAGEN RETAILER John Ashley Volkswagen John Ashley Volkswagen John Ashton John Ashworth John Ashworth Commercial Vehicle Repairs John Ashworth Commercial Vehicle Repairs John Ashworth Driver Education John Askew Ltd John Aspery John Astley John Aston Carpets John Atkins Architect John Atkins Cycles (Coventry) John Atkins Cycles (Leamington Spa) Ltd John Atkinson John Atkinson John Atkinson John Atkinson John Atkinson John Atkinson John Atkinson & Sons John Atkinson Ceilings Ltd John Attewell John Attkins John Attwood Landscape Services Ltd John Attwooll & Co (Tents) Ltd John Audus (Electrical Contractors) Ltd John Auld John Austen Associates John Austhill Associates (Carpets) John Austin John Austin & Co.Ltd John Austin & Partners John Austin Furniture Ltd John Austin M.P John Austin M.P John Avanzini Ministries John Avol & Associates John Avon & Co John Ayling & Associates Ltd John Aynsley (Architectural Metalwork) Ltd John Ayre Ltd John Ayres John Ayres & Son John Ayrey Die Casts Ltd John Ayrey Die-Casts John Ayton John B Aitken John B Backhouse John B Bancroft John B Barclay John B Barr John B Benn John B Calver & Co John B Cameron John B Cameron (Glen Lochay) John B Carr Financial Services John B Carr Financial Services John B Cheetham John B Cleland John B Day FRCS John B Deveson Timber Consultant John B Excavations Akroyd Ltd John B Farquharson John B Foulds John B Gobin MSSCh.,MBCh.A John B Grieve & Associates John B Hall John B Kirk John B Lavin & Co.Ltd John B Lloyd John B Marsh John B Marshall John B McMullan John B Mullan John B Norton John B Payne John B Phillips & Co John B Roberts & Co John B Ross Joiners & Contractors John B Shrive John B Smith Ltd John B Taxi's John B Thomas John B Wellard JOHN B'S FRENCH RESTAURANT John B. Rowlands John B.R Hill Chartered Architect John Baarda Ltd John Baarda Ltd John Backhouse Associates Ltd John Bacon RIBA John Badmin John Baggs (Farmers) Ltd John Bailey John Bailey Associates Ltd John Bailey Chartered Architect John Bailey Driving School John Bailey Garage Equipment John Baillie Carpets Ltd John Bain & Son John Bain & Son John Bain Fireplaces John Bainbridge John Baines John Baines John Baird Contractor John Baird Ltd John Baird T.V Repairs John Baker John Baker John Baker John Baker & Co.Ltd John Baker & Sons Ltd John Baker Accountants John Baker Consultants John Baker Doors & Windows John Baker Media & Photographic Services John Baker Roofing Contractor John Bald Funeral Directors John Balderson Financial Services John Balding John Baldry John Baldwin John Baldwin John Baldwin John Baldwin John Ball John Ball John Ball & Associates John Ball & Associates John Ball & Sons John Ball School John Ballard Ltd John Balls Carpentry John Balls Garage John Bamford Car Sales John Banbury Flooring Ltd John Bangay Publications John Banks John Banks (Ipswich) Ltd John Banks (Suzuki) Ltd John Banks Associates John Banks Honda Centre John Banks Ltd (Suzuki) John Banks Suzuki John Banks Used Direct John Banks Vehicle Rental John Bannister John Barber John Barber John Barber & Assocaites John Barber (Furnishers) Ltd John Barber Building Design John Barber Services John Barclay Estate & Management JOHN BARDGETT & SONS JOHN BARDGETT & SONS John Barker John Barker & Dixon Ltd John Barker Cigarette Vending Machines Ltd John Barker Driving School John Barker Photography John Barkers John Barkers John Barkers John Barkers John Barkworth ND,DO John Barleycorn Interiors John Barlow Vehicle Repairs John Barnard John Barnard Furniture Ltd John Barnes John Barnes John Barnes John Barnes Associates John Barnes Joinery Ltd John Barnett John Barnett Connexions Centre John Barnett Ltd John Barnett Ltd John Barnett Ltd John Barr Architects John Barr Books (E Books) John Barr Cabs John Barr Signs John Barratt John Barrett John Barrett John Barrett John Barrett John Barrett Construction John Barrett Consulting John Barrett Homes John Barrett M.P John Barrett M.P & Margaret Smith M.S.P John Barrie Edwards John Barrie Ltd John Barritt (Cross Hills) Ltd John Barron A.B.I.P.P JOHN BARROW EST 1843 John Barrowman John Barry John Barry John Barry John Barry John Barry & Co John Barry BA(Hons) Psych, D Hyp, MBIH John Barry Hockey John Barry Jewellers Ltd John Barry Ltd John Barry Products John Barsby John Barter Car Body Repairs John Barter Transport John Bartlett John Bartlett John Bartlett John Bartlett Architect John Barton & Sons John Barton Financial Services Ltd John Barton Printing John Barton Signwriter/Artist John Barwick & Son John Basford John Baskefield V.C Primary School John Bass John Bassett Landscape & Maintenance Ltd John Bastow John Batchelor John Batchelor John Bateman Investigations John Bateman Promotional Products Ltd John Bates Plumbing & Heating Services T/A John Bates John Bateson-Cooper John Batt Removals John Batten John Batten Photography John Battensby John Batters & Co John Battle M.P John Battle MP John Battye Design Ltd John Baugh Associates Ltd John Baunton John Bawler John Baxter John Baxter John Baxter & Sons Ltd John Baxter LBIPP John Baxter Mathematics Tutor John Baxter Photography John Bayes Removals John Bayles John Bayles & Co John Bayles & Co John Baylis Plumbing & Heating Services John Bayliss John Bayne & Sons John Baynham Productions John Bays & Co John Beacock Motors John Beales John Bealing Construction John Beaman John Beard John Beard & Son Ltd John Beard Fashions Ltd John Beasley John Beattie John Beattie & Sons John Beattie & Sons John Beaty John Beaty Tranport Ltd John Beaumont John Beaumont & Co John Beavan Furniture John Beaver & Co John Beazor & Sons Ltd John Bebber Repointing John Beck John Beck John Beck Recycling John Beckett Photography John Beddoes School John Bedford Enterprises John Bedigan Accountant & Tax Consultant John Bee John Bee John Bee Motors John Beecroft John Beeden BPS John Beeken Bicklaying Contractors John Beeken Landrovers John Beer Motor Repairs John Beesley,Kim Beesley John Beeson & Son John Beeston & Associates John Begg John Beggs John Belfield John Belfield Hairdressing John Belfield Health & Beauty Spa John Belfield International John Belfield International John Belfield International John Belfield International John Belfield International Hair & Beauty John Bell John Bell John Bell John Bell John Bell John Bell & Associates John Bell & Co John Bell & Son John Bell & Son John Bell Carpets John Bell Civil Engineering John Bell Fabrics of Scotland (1983) Ltd John Bell Home Services John Bell Jewellers John Bell Pipeline Equipment Co.Ltd John Bell Solicitors John Bell Training Ltd John Bellamy Building Services John Bellamy Plumbers John Bellfield International John Bellfounders Taylor Ltd John Bellinger John Bellinger MAR John Bellis John Bellis & Co John Bellis & Co John Bellman John Bellman & Associates Ltd John Bello the Tailor John Bellwood Plumbing & Heating Engineer John Bennallick John Bennett John Bennett John Bennett John Bennett John Bennett John Bennett Chartered Architect John Bennett Fine Paintings John Bennett Plastering John Bennett Tool Maker John Bennison Computer Services John Benns Motor Co John Benson & Company John Benson Gardening Services John Bent Driving School John Bentham Associates John Bentley John Bentley John Bentley Property & Garden Maintenance John Bentley Removals John Benton-Harris John Berenfeld John Berger John Bernard John Berry John Berry Controls John Berry Plastics John Best & Co John Beswick John Betjeman Centre John Betts (Quality Used Cars) Ltd John Betts Primary School John Bevan John Beyer & Associates John Beynon Photographer John Bickley Associates John Biddle (Opticians) Ltd John Biddle (Opticians) Ltd John Bignell Ltd John Billam CHP (NC) NRHP John Billett Garden Services John Billing Associates John Billings John Billington Hairdressing Group John Bingley John Binne MCmi John Binns & Son (Springs) Ltd John Birchall John Birchall Stage Hypnotist John Bird John Bird John Bird John Bird Antiques John Bird Associates John Bird Associates John Bird Associates John Bird Building John Bird Coventry Ltd John Birdsall Social Issues Photo Library John Birkby & Co John Birks Sports John Birmingham John Birrell & Son (St.Andrews) Ltd John Birrell & Son (St.Andrews) Ltd John Birt School of Motoring John Bishop John Bishop & Associates John Bishop Electrical John Bishop French Polishing John Bishop Garden Machinery John Bishop Leisure John Bishop Plumbing John Black John Black & Associates John Black & Sons John Black Communications Ltd John Black Construction Ltd John Blackburn Ltd John Blackburn Photographer John Blackburn's Craft Centre Ltd John Blacker John Blackhurst & Son John Blackmore John Blackmore & Co John Blackwell John Blackwell Associates John Blackwood John Blades John Blair John Blair John Blake Publishing Ltd John Blakeney & Co John Blamire John Blanchard John Bland John Bland & Co John Blandy V.C Primary School John Blaney ACIOB John Blaney Associates John Blanks Graphic Design John Blay Welding John Blaymires John Bleasdale John Blee Tools Ltd John Blenkin - Personal Stationery John Blenkiron John Bliss John Blonde Feng Shui Design John Bloor John Blow Primary School John Bloxham (Fine Art) Ltd John Blundell John Blundell (Agriculture) Ltd John Blundell BDS John Boardman Autogas Conversions & Repairs John Boardman Training John Boddy BA PhD C.Psychol FBPsS John Bodger John Bodman Ltd John Bodsworth John Bodycote John Bolam John Boland Print & Rubber Stamp Mfs Ltd John Bold & Co John Bolt John Bolton John Bolton John Bolton John Bolton Heating Plumbing Gas John Bond John Bond Evans & Co John Bond Garden Services John Bone Civil Engs Ltd John Bone Removals John Boon John Boon & Partners John Boon & Partners John Booth John Booth John Booth John Booth & Co. Financial Services John Booth Associates John Booth Car Sales John Booth Electrical Contractors John Booth Engineering Ltd John Booth's TV Services John Booth,Spanish & German Classes John Boots Music JOHN BORDLEY MRICS MCIOB MAPSTHAMES-SIDE BUILDING AND SAFETY CONSULTANCY John Boreham General Builders John Borg John Boste John Boston & Co John Botting John Bottomley & Randolph John Boulby John Boult & Sons John Boulton John Boulton & Son Transport John Bound John Bourne John Bourne & Co. Ltd. John Bourne & Co.Ltd John Bourne & Son John Bousfield Private Chiropodist John Bowden John Bowe John Bowen John Bowen-Jones John Bower John Bower John Bowerman John Bowers Carpet Fitter John Bowie Driver Training John Bowler (Agriculture) Ltd John Bowles John Bowles John Bowles VW Repairs John Bowles VW Repairs John Bowlt Plastering Contractor John Bowman John Bown John Bownes Ltd John Box Associates John Boy the Barber John Boyce John Boyce Motors John Boyd John Boyd John Boyd M.A.(Oxon),B,Ac,M.B.Ac.C John Boyd Motor Vehicles John Boyd Services John Boyd Textiles Ltd John Boyes Consulting John Boyle & Co John Boyle Computer Services Ltd John Boyle Incorporating Thrall Ryder John Boyle School of Motoring John Boyle Services John Brace John Bradbury Plumbing & Heating John Bradder John Bradfield John Bradfield Maps John Bradley John Bradley JOHN BRADLEY & JOHN WALSH John Bradley Architects John Bradley Builders (Kenilworth) Ltd John Bradley Engineering Services John Bradley Financial Services John Bradon Associates John Bradshaw John Bradshaw John Bradshaw Ltd John Bradwell John Brady Automobile Services John Brady BDS,FDSRCS(Eng),DRDRCS(Edin) John Bragg John Bragg Antiques John Braide Chiropody John Brailsford Ltd John Brailsford Print John Brailsford Print John Brain Tyres John Braisby Carpets John Braithwaite LDC John Bramley John Bramston Primary School John Branch BsC (Hons),MCsP,SRP John Brand & Sons Ltd John Brandon John Brandwood John Branigan Ltd John Brannigan John Brannigan Magician John Branthwaite John Brash & Co.Ltd John Brash Family Butcher John Bray John Bray & Partners John Bray & Sons John Bray & Sons John Bray School Of Motoring John Brazier John Brazier & Co John Breckon & Co John Breen Photography John Breen Vintage Car Hire John Breheny John Brennan John Brennan John Brennan John Brennan Brickwork & Building Contractor John Brett John Brett Solicitors John Brewer Ltd John Brewer's Mobile Disco John Brewis & Co John Brian Shirts John Briars Garage Doors John Bridge Engineering Ltd John Bridger Marine John Bridgwood - Apartments John Brierley & Son John Briggs John Briggs Applied Office Imaging Ltd John Briggs M.A LL.M. (Cantab) John Bright Builders Ltd John Bright Fencing & Country Store John Bright Sports Hall John Brightwell Claims Services Ltd John Brindley Consulting Ltd John Brindley Ltd John Bristow John Bristow John Bristow Photographic John Britcher Tree Services John Britton Associates John Britton Mobile Repairs Ltd John Broadbent John Broadbent John Broadhurst & Son Ltd John Broadwood & Sons Ltd John Brockett John Brocklehurst John Broddle Monumental Mason Ltd John Brodie John Brodie Builders John Broll John Bromfield & Co John Brook John Brooke Builders John Brooke Sawmills Ltd John Brookes John Brookes John Brookes Ltd John Brooking John Brooks John Brooks & Associates John Brooks Lafarge Agricultrual Products JOHN BROOM BOATS John Broomfield & Co John Broomhead Fish & Chips John Bros John Broughton John Brown John Brown John Brown John Brown John Brown John Brown John Brown John Brown John Brown John Brown & Co John Brown & Co John Brown & Son John Brown & Son John Brown & Son John Brown & Son West Sussex Joinery John Brown & Sons John Brown & Sons John Brown & Sons John Brown (E & C) Ltd John Brown (Printers) Ltd John Brown (Strone) Ltd John Brown (Sutton Coldfield) Ltd John Brown Builders John Brown Builders Ltd John Brown Caterhire & Events John Brown Caterhire & Events John Brown Caterhire & Events John Brown Caterhire & Events John Brown Caterhire Ltd John Brown Citrus Publishing Ltd John Brown Electrical John Brown Electrical & Mechanical Services Ltd John Brown Engineering Gas Turbines Ltd John Brown Funeral Services John Brown Group Ltd John Brown Heating Ltd John Brown Human Resource & Business Consultant John Brown Jun John Brown Ltd John Brown MGCP John Brown Nurseries Ltd John Brown Printing John Brown Tiling John Brown VAT Consultancy John Browne Gas Services John Brownhill Construction Ltd John Browning Associates John Browning Engineering John Brownlie & Sons John Browns John Bruce & Son John Bruce & Sons John Bruce (UK) Ltd John Bruce MA Dip.Psych, Dip.Counselling John Bruce Plasterer John Brunnstrom John Bruno Pilates John Brunt VC John Bryan John Bryan Organic Meats John Bryant & Son (St.Ives) Ltd John Bryant International John Bryant Restoration John Bryce John Bryden John Bryden John Bryning John Bryson & Son John Bryson (Keswick) Ltd John Bryson (Keswick) Ltd John Bryson (Keswick) Ltd John Bubb Photography John Buchan Car Sales Ltd John Buchanan John Buckingham Property Maintenance John Buckle Guitar Teacher John Buckley (Dudley) Ltd John Buckley Dry Cleaners Ltd John Buckley Dry Cleaners Ltd John Buckley Haulage John Buckley L.B.I.P.P,L.M.P.A John Bucknell John Budd & Co John Buddle Work Village John Budge Haulage John Budge Mini Buses John Bufton John Buist John Bull John Bull & Co (Bedford) Ltd John Bull & Son John Bull (Confectioners) Ltd John Bull Barn Dance Band John Bull Confectioners Ltd John Bull Confectioners Ltd John Bull Confectioners Ltd John Bull Confectioners Ltd John Bull Hardwood Floors John Bull Inn John Bull Inn John Bull Military Clothing John Bull Motors John Bull The John Bull Trading Co.Ltd John Bull Video Service John Bullock Design Consultants John Bullough John Bunce Sheet Metal Work John Bunford John Bunn John Bunyan & Partners John Bunyan & Son John Bunyan Baptist Church John Bunyan Baptist Church John Bunyan Community College John Bunyan Infants School & Nursery John Bunyan Junior School John Bunyan Upper School John Burdall Body Repairs John Burge Building Design Service John Burgess & Co.Ltd John Burgess Cabinet Makers John Burgess Car Sales John Burgess Plasterer John Burke & Co.Ltd John Burke Associates John Burke Plumbing & Central Heating Ltd John Burkill Associates John Burley Public Relations Consultants Ltd John Burley's John Burls Driving Tuition John Burn & Co (B'ham) Ltd John Burnet Hall John Burnett & Sons John Burns John Burns John Burns John Burns John Burns Associates Ltd John Burns Plumbing & Heating Services John Burns Primary School John Burns True Stone Castings John Burnside John Burrows Decorating John Burton John Burton John Burton John Burton Building Contractor Ltd John Burton Construction Ltd John Burton HR Consultants John Burton Stone Masonry John Burton's Food Market John Busby Ltd John Busby Manufacturing John Bush Systems John Bushnell Ltd John Bussey John Butcher General Carpentry John Butcher Photography John Butler John Butler John Butler John Butler John Butler (Hatfield) Ltd John Butler Bead Blasting John Butler Builders John Butler Cars John Butler Contracts Ltd John Butler Electrical Contractor John Butler Ltd John Butlin Ltd John Butters IFA John Butterworth & Son Ltd John Buttery Business Improvement John Button John Byatt Builders John Bycroft John Byers & Co John Byford Photography John Byrne John Byrne John Byrne & Co John Byrne Dip. W.C.F John Byrne Plant Hire John Byrne-Signability John Bywater Transport Ltd John C Aird & Partner John C Boyle John C Bright John C Buckwell John C Burcher Wills & Probate Services John C C Warren ARIBA,FRSA Consultant Architect John C Campbell John C Cooper & Son John C Cumming John C Daniels Sewing Machines John C Davis John C Dorrington John C Drinkwater John C Durston & Co John C Emery & Co John C F Paine Fencing John C Frankland (Jewellers) Ltd John C Froggatt John C Fuller John C Gilliver John C Goom John C Gough & Son John C Gray John C Gynn & Sons John C Hadjipateras & Sons Ltd John C Hamilton John C Hayward John C Heasman John C Heather John C Higo Roofing & Building John C Hope John C Hopwood John C Howard John C Hoy John C Hughes & Associates John C Hunter & Co John C Jackson John C Jackson Antiques John C Jerman John C Jones John C Keir John C Laing & Associates Ltd John C Laurie Ltd John C Leach John C Lowe John C Lyon Accountancy & Book Keeping Services John C McColl Joiners John C McCusker John C McGuire John C McIntosh John C Morris John C O'Sullivan Gynaecologist John C Oliver John C Paver John C Payne John C Reid John C Robinson John C Robinson John C Rowland & Son John C Shanks Forestry Contractors John C Smith John C Smith & Co John C Smyth John C Sweetland John C Vaughan John C Walker John C Wallace FCIS LCPH John C Warnock John C Wheeler International Ltd John C Wheeler International Ltd John C Wheeler Transport Ltd John C Wilkins Ltd John C Wolverson John C Wood-Roe FRICS John C Young John C Young & Son John C. Hulance John C. McCann & Co John C. McQuaid John C. Taylor Haulage Contractor John C.Crook Building Services John C.H Strachan FRCS John C.T Hillier BSc,FRICS John Cable Photography John Cadby John Cadman & Associates John Cadman Associates John Cadman L.G.S.M,L.L.C.M (T.D) Concert Guitarist & Teacher John Cairney Plumbing John Calderwood John Caldwell John Caldwell John Calford Property Maintenance John Callaghan & Co John Callaghan Fencing John Calland John Callum Ltd John Calver John Calvert John Calvert Court John Cameron John Cameron John Cameron John Cameron Joiner John Cameron Ltd John Camm John Camp John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell John Campbell & Co John Campbell Builder John Campbell Ltd John Campbell Plasterer << back